Sunday, December 22, 2019

2019 Amaroo School Reading Awards

Last Thursday I attended the final School Assembly at Amaroo School for 2019. A very big thank you to Teacher Librarian Nat Otten and Principal Gai Beecher for the invitation. Students were again rewarded for showing an outstanding love of reading and books. The 2019 winners this year were:

Aidan M. in Year 1

Joey P. in  Year 3

and Lily K. in Year 9.

Congratulations to the winners! Many other students were nominated, too. Well done everyone who got nominated.

So let’s continue to encourage reading books among schoolchildren. Reading will always be the most adventurous trip a young mind can take anywhere. Happy Reading in 2020!

Friday, December 21, 2018

2018 Amaroo School Reading Awards

Summer Reading rocks! Photograph by Damian Gadal 

Another year has gone by, and so quickly! Amaroo School once again rewarded students who have demonstrated an outstanding love of reading and books, through their Reading Awards named after Clea Salavert Wykes.

The winners this year were:
  • Jonty (Kindergarten)
  • Marisa (Year 6)
  • and Olivia (Year 9)

Each of them received a Diploma, books and a bookshop voucher. A big thank you to Nat Otten from the Amaroo School Library and to Principal Gai Beecher for inviting us to be at the event and give keen readers a small prize and lots of encouragement at the final Assembly of 2018.

Happy holidays, and Happy Reading!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

2017 Amaroo School Reading Awards

Amaroo School celebrated another year of reading in 2017. As the school has grown so much over the last few years, it has become necessary to hold two separate events, one for junior students (from preschool to Year 6) and one for older students from Year 7 to 10.

On Friday 27 October, Reya U. (Year 1) and Bea G. (Year 5) were the winners of the 2017 Clea Salavert Reading Awards. Clea’s brother, Omar, joined the Assembly and represented the Salavert-Wykes family at the event, where he was joined by Clea’s friend Laura.

And on Friday 17 November, Darci T. (Year 10) was announced as the winner of the Reading Award at the Senior Assembly. Congratulations to all nominees on their efforts and for their love of reading!

A huge Thankyou! to Teacher Librarian Natalie Otten and Principal Gai Beecher from Amaroo School for their support and for the photographs shown on the blog.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

2016 Amaroo School Reading Awards

The Amaroo School Reading Awards, named after Clea Salavert Wykes, were awarded yesterday at a whole-school Assembly. Like in previous years, we were invited by Amaroo School Principal, Gai Beecher, to present the Awards to the winners. In 2016, they were: Jesse S. from Year 1, Jasmine P. from Year 5, Lubna S. and Caan F. from Year 6, and Gabby W. from Year 10. Our thanks to Ms Beecher and also to Mel Datsun, Executive Teacher at Amaroo School Library and the Library team.

We were also given a very special gift from a talented and enthusiastic reader, Eliza C. from Year 1. Eliza drew the picture at the top and wrote about how happy reading books makes her. This is one of the nicest presents I’ve ever been given, and I thank Eliza for her efforts, and for everything it means to her and to us. Keep reading books, Eliza, and be happy!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

2015 Amaroo School Reading Awards

Els guanyadors, i altres lectors de l"escola pública d"Amaroo reconeguts ahir 
Amaroo School presented its 2015 Reading Awards, named after Clea Salavert-Wykes. The winners in 2015 were Ethan (Year 1), Alanah (Year 5), Isabelle (Year 8) and Jordyn (Year 10). Congratulations to all of them and also to the other nominees who missed out on the big prizes. They can all be sure the pleasure of reading is the greatest reward any student can aspire to.

A BIG BIG thank you to Principal Richard Powell, who will soon be retiring and leaving Amaroo School. He will be badly missed, no doubt about that. Our gratitude, too, to the Amaroo Library staff and the whole of the Amaroo School community for their ongoing support of the Clea Salavert Library.

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Reading Hour 2015

The Clea Salavert Library Blog supports The Reading Hour initiative that will take place tomorrow, 18 August, between 6 and 7 pm. The Reading Hour highlights the idea that “It doesn’t matter what you read - as long as you read something - because reading is a skill for life which can make you feel good about yourself and enable you to see the world through someone else’s eyes.”

Un dibujo que representa la isla de The Lord of the Flies. Autor: Emperor Deathsaur. 

The whole purpose of The Reading Hour is to celebrate reading. Clea’s siblings have recently taken up reading some classics of 20th-century English literature. Both The Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm have captured their imagination. They are not easy books to read for 11-yea-olds, but they’ve taken up the challenge with enthusiasm; but more importantly, they are spurred on to read these books by their curiosity to see the world through someone else’s eyes. We’ll celebrate The Reading Hour tomorrow, if not at 6 pm, maybe a little later. We hope you and your families will join this fantastic initiative, and read or talk about a book you have read!

Un mural als carrers de Cañete. Fotografía a càrrec de Coentor.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Young European researchers visit Clea's Library

Three wonderful young girls from Germany (Julia and Katja) and Italy (Marilu) whom I met during my last visit to Samoa took the time to visit Lalomanu School and see for themselves the little library building named after Clea. Even though their schedule was very busy in Apia, they went out of their way and stopped at Lalomanu. They have sent us some photos of their visit.

Our sincere thanks to Julia, Katja and Marilu for their interest and support in this modest project and for using their little spare time to see the Library.

Danke schön! Grazie mille!

Una vista de la escuela de Lalomanu, a la hora de la salida..

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 2015 Visit to Lalomanu

I paid a visit to Lalomanu Primary School in early May and delivered two boxes full of books, textbooks and resources kindly collected by Amaroo School (thank you, Louise and the team!) and held by the Australian High Commission in Apia (thank you, Sue Langford!) after they were mailed in March. I was able to spend time at the Library on two days and to do some badly needed cleaning and dusting.

Lalomanu Primary Teachers check the new arrivals. Deputy Principal Fa'av'uga Afioga (right) and class teachers Pelematete Tupailagi and Fa'afetai Sola (centre) 
Almost five years on, the Clea Salavert Library is still far from realising its full potential. It would be desirable to see the school utilising the Library daily rather than on an ad hoc basis. It is quite frustrating to realise that Lalomanu children have not been gaining access to their Library.

Los alumnos de los grados 1 y 2  de la escuela primaria Lalomanu saludan a la cámara
One issue we will attempt to deal with in the short term is the lack of books in Samoan. It is very important that children can read books in their mother tongue, not only in English, which is of course the language of business and tourism in Samoa. In a country like Samoa, literacy cannot (and should not) only focus on English. One important goal for us as Patrons of the Clea Salavert Library will be therefore to find and supply books in Samoan for the children of Lalomanu.

While in Samoa it was good to catch up with many good friends, like the Kasimani-Thomsen family. It was also nice to be able to explain the history and purpose of the Library to people who were curious about a palagi who was visiting Samoa for the fourth time but who was not on a holiday.

Malgrat la manca de recursos i mobiliari, els estudiants de Lalomanu fan la seua feina i escriuen..

Neetia entró a leer durante la limpieza de la Biblioteca  
It was also a good opportunity to see the extent of the recovery achieved on the south coast of Upolu Island five and a half years after the catastrophic tsunami of 29 September 2009. It has been a slow process, but positive outcomes are beginning to emerge.

Sinalei Resort is again a jewel on the South Coast of Upolu.

Friday, November 21, 2014

2014 Amaroo School Reading Awards

Congratulations for being such good readers!
Amaroo School celebrated earlier today its Multicultural Day. It was a lively and very enriching Whole School Assembly, with students introducing the different segments in French and Japanese as well as in English. An absolute privilege to be there!

The School also awarded its annual Reading Awards, named after Clea. We want to express our big THANKS to Mr Richard Powell, the Principal, Ms Louise McMullen, Teacher Librarian, and all of the Amaroo School community for the ongoing support the Clea Salavert Library receives year after year.

Their prizes
The winners of the Clea Salavert Wykes Amaroo School Reading Awards in 2014 are:

Rachel S. (Senior School), Aaron B. (Middle School), Samuel T. (Primary School), Jennifer P. (Early Childhood) and Arabella T. (Preschool). They are a fantastic group of readers who do not need further encouragement. But they constitute a magnificent example for everyone, students and non-students, to follow. Congratulations to all of them.


The Amaroo School Library staff is again collecting books and resources for the Clea Salavert Library in Lalomanu Primary. We hope to be able to forward these wonderful books and teacher resources to Samoa early in 2015. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

International Day of Storytelling - Día Internacional de la Narración Oral - Dia Internacional de la Narració Oral

Today is International Storytelling Day. The Clea Salavert Library blog celebrates the ancient tradition of storytelling with this video. The story is titled A menjar! [Let’s eat!], a Catalan-language short story Clea used to enjoy and giggle about when she was a toddler. We encourage you to read or tell a story to your own children, not only today but whenever the occasion makes it possible, particularly when they are very young.

Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Narración Oral. El blog de la Biblioteca Clea Salavert celebra la antiquísima tradición de contar historias con este video. La historia se titula A menjar! [¡A comer!], una historieta en lengua catalana que a Clea le gustaba mucho y que le hacía reír cuando era muy pequeña. Te animamos a leer o a contar un cuento a tus hijos, no solo hoy sino siempre que haya ocasión, en especial mientras sean bien pequeños.

Hui és el Dia Internacional de la Narració Oral. Amb aquest vídeo, el bloc de la Biblioteca Clea Salavert celebra la molt antiga tradició de contar contes. Es diu A menjar!, i és una historieta que li agradava molt a Clea quan era molt menuda, i li feia riure de debò. T’animem a llegir o contar històries als teus fills, no només hui, especialment mentre encara són molt xicotets.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Clea Salavert Reading Awards 2013

The Amaroo School Library
Amaroo School invited us again to present their School Reading Awards, which are named after our daughter Clea. We feel very fortunate that our children are able to attend an excellent public school, and feel honoured that Amaroo School has chosen to remember one of their students through these Reading Awards.

In 2013, the Amaroo School Reading Awards went to Phoebe (Preschool), Charlotte and Jake (Early Childhood), Lachlan (Primary School), Elissa (Middle School) and Morgan (Senior School). Congratulations to all of them, avid readers! And our heartfelt thanks to all the staff at Amaroo School and especially the Library Team, who are tireless in their assistance to young readers and their promotion of reading.
Algunas de las bolsas repletas de libros que recibieron los premiados
Un año más la Escuela Pública de Amaroo nos invitó a hacer entrega de sus Premios a Lectura, que llevan el nombre de nuestra hija Clea. Nos sentimos muy afortunados de que nuestros hijos acudan a una excelente escuela pública, y es un honor que la Escuela Pública de Amaroo haya escogido recordar a una de sus estudiantes mediante estos Premios.

En 2013, los Premios a la Lectura de la Escuela Pública de Amaroo han correspondido a Phoebe (Preschool), Charlotte i Jake (Early Childhood), Lachlan (Primary School), Elissa (Middle School) i Morgan (Senior School). ¡Enhorabuena a todos ellos, ávidos lectores! Y nuestro sincero agradecimiento a todo el personal de la Escuela Pública de Amaroo, y en particular al equipo de bibliotecarias, que nunca cejan en su empeño por ayudar a los jóvenes lectores, ni en su fomento de la lectura.

Una vista panoràmica de la biblioteca de l'Escola Pública d'Amaroo
L’Escola Pública d’Amaroo ens ha tornat a convidar a fer entrega dels seus Premis a la Lectura, que porten el nom de la nostra filla Clea. Ens sentim molt afortunats pel fet de que els nostres fills poden acudir a una excel·lent escola pública, i amés és un gran honor que l’Escola Pública d’Amaroo haja escollit recordar una de les seues estudiants per mig d’uns Premis a la Lectura.

L’any 2013, els Premis a la Lectura de l’Escola Pública d’Amaroo han anat a Phoebe (Preschool), Charlotte i Jake (Early Childhood), Lachlan (Primary School), Elissa (Middle School) i Morgan (Senior School). Enhorabona a tots, ávids lectors! I els nostre sincer agraïment a tot la plantilla de l’Escola Pública d’Amaroo i especialment a tot l’equip de bibliotecàries, que mai no deixen d’ajudar els joves lectors, ni de promoure l’habit de llegir.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

An award - Un premio - Un premi

The main objective of building a library in Lalomanu was to promote literacy among the village children and to spread the love of books far and wide. We are a family that not only loves reading but also appreciate writing. Thus, we’re very pleased to share the good news that Clea’s brother’s work has been awarded a Certificate of Distinction in the 2013 UNSW International Competitions and Assessments for Schools.

El principal objetivo de construir una biblioteca en Lalomanu fue el de fomentar la alfabetización entre los niños del pueblo y aumentar el amor por los libros lo más posible. Somos una familia a la que no solamente le encanta leer; también apreciamos la escritura. Estamos por lo tanto muy contentos de compartir la buena noticia de que uno de los hermanos de Clea ha recibido un Certificado de Excelencia en la edición de 2013 de los Competiciones y Evaluaciones Escolares Internacionales de la Universidad de Nueva Gales del Sur.

L'objectiu principal de construir una biblioteca en Lalomanu era per promoure l'alfabetització entre els nens de poble, a més d'estendre l'amor per els llibres com més possible. No només ens agrada llegir; som una família que també aprecia l'escriptura. Així, ens complau compartir la bona notícia de que un dels germans de Clea ha rebut un Certificat d'excel·lència en l'edició de 2013 de les Competicions i Avaluacions Escolars Internacionals que organitza la Universitat de Nova Gal·les del Sud.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 2013 - julio de 2013 - juliol del 2013

July 2013 – Visit to Clea’s Library

Clea’s mother and aunt visited the Clea Salavert Library on 2 July 2013, along with Jeanette Fuataga-Thomsen, the wife of the late Fuataga Kasimani, matai of Lalomanu Village, Ms Ana Hall and Ms Lisa Lemalu from the Australian High Commission.

Although it was school holidays, Principal Ms Maria Iosefo and Librarian Ms Late Gase made the time to be at the school to meet them and to host morning tea. Two very kind students helped out by serving hot coffee and climbing coconut palm-trees for fresh coconuts.

Clea’s Library still looks in very good condition despite the disastrous effects of the December cyclone elsewhere in Upolu. The library will probably be in need a coat of paint in the next couple of years; the doors will also need some protection against the weather. Other than that, the building held up well against the severe storm. Some extra window panes have been left behind in case of any more breakages; the school rugby field is just in front of the library, after all.

Inside, the library has plenty of books, which the Principal assured us, are being regularly used. The children of Lalomanu Primary School use the library for reading classes. Samoans do not have a long-standing culture of reading, as their tradition is oral. The concept of borrowing books is therefore quite alien to them: many of the books do not leave the library to go to the students’ homes, but the library is serving its purpose.

It was also very pleasing to find that a number of publications in Samoan have been added to the Library collection and are now available to the children. Literacy in your first language is an important part to building up literacy in other languages. Samoan and English are both official languages in this beautiful Pacific country.

Clea’s mother gave the Principal and the Librarian the small bag of books and stickers donated by Amaroo School, as well as a stuffed toy giraffe. Amaroo School had raised money for these books from the proceeds of their recent book fair. We are always grateful for the support given us from the Amaroo School community. The children of Lalomanu are also grateful for this support, certainly.

Maria y Late
Julio de 2013 – Visita a la Biblioteca Clea Salavert

La madre y la tía de Clea visitaron la Biblioteca Clea Salavert el 2 de julio de 2013, acompañadas por Jeanette Fuataga-Thomsen, la esposa del difunto Fuataga Kasimani, matai del pueblo de Lalomanu, y de Doña Ana Hall y Doña Lisa Lemalu, del Alto Comisionado australiano en Samoa.

Aunque era época de vacaciones, la Directora, Doña Maria Iosefo y la Bibliotecaria, Doña Late Gase hicieron tiempo para estar en la escuela para recibirlas e invitarlas a un refrigerio matinal. Dos amables alumnos ayudaron sirviendo el café y trepando a las palmeras locales para cosechar cocos frescos.

El edificio sigue presentando un muy buen aspecto a pesar de los desastrosos efectos que el ciclón en diciembre pasado tuvo sobre la isla de Upolu. La Biblioteca necesitará seguro una mano de pintura en los próximos años; a las puertas también les irá bien alguna protección contra los elementos. Aparte de eso, parece que aguantó bien la fortísima tormenta. En la biblioteca quedaron algunos vidrios extra por si se rompieran algunos de los existentes; después de todo, el campo de rugby de la escuela se halla delante justo de la biblioteca.

En el interior, la biblioteca tiene muchísimos libros, los cuales, asegura la Directora, se utilizan de forma regular. Los niños de la Escuela Primaria de Lalomanu emplean la biblioteca en sus clases de lectura. La gente samoana no cuenta con una antigua cultura lectora, pues su tradición es oral. La idea del préstamo de libros es por tanto un tanto extraña para ellos: muchos de los libros no salen de la biblioteca para acompañar a los alumnos a sus casas, pero la biblioteca está cumpliendo sus propósitos.

Fue también muy agradable descubrir que se ha añadido un pequeño número de libros publicados en lengua samoana a la colección de la Biblioteca y están ya a disposición de los alumnos. Cuidar la lengua propia es parte fundamental de la alfabetización en otros idiomas. Samoano e inglés son ambas lenguas oficiales en este hermoso país del Pacífico.

La madre de Clea hizo entrega a la Directora y a la Bibliotecaria de la pequeña bolsa con libros y pegatinas que donó la Escuela Pública de Amaroo en Canberra, además de una jirafa de juguete. La Escuela Pública de Amaroo había recaudado fondos para adquirir estos libros en su reciente feria del libro. Agradecemos siempre el apoyo que nos brinda la comunidad de Amaroo y su escuela pública. Los niños de Lalomanu también lo agradecen, desde luego.

Juliol del 2013 – Visita a la Biblioteca Clea Salavert

La mare i la tia de Clea van visitar la Biblioteca Clea Salavert el 2 de juliol, juntament amb Jeanette Fuataga-Thomsen, la muller del difunt Fuataga Kasimani, matai del poble de Lalomanu, i Ana Hall i Lisa Lemalu de la Alta Comissió australiana.

Tot i que eren les vacances escolars, la Directora Maria Iosefo i la Bibliotecària, Late Gase, van fer el temps per ser a l'escola per a rebre-les i oferir-les un refrigeri pel matí. Dos estudiants molt amables van ajudar per servir cafè calent i ascendint palmeres per agafar cocos frescos.

L’edifici de la Biblioteca encara presenta un molt bon aspecte, malgrat els efectes desastrosos del cicló de desembre passat en altres llocs d’Upolu. La biblioteca probablement necessitarà una mà de pintura l’any pròxim; les portes també necessiten protecció contra l’oratge. A banda d’això, la Biblioteca ha aguantat bé una forta tempesta. Van deixar darrere alguna finestra d'extra per si es trenquen més; després de tot, el camp escolar de rugbi es troba justament davant de la biblioteca.

Dins, la biblioteca té molts llibres, els quals, va assegurar la Directora, els fan servir amb regularitat. Els nens de l’Escola Primària de Lalomanu fan les seues classes de lectura a la biblioteca. Cal dir que els samoans no tenen una antiga tradició cultural per la lectura, la seua tradició és oral. El concepte de portar-se els llibres a casa no és normal per a ells: encara que molts dels llibres no ixen de la biblioteca, la biblioteca està servint el seu propòsit.

Va ser també una bona sorpresa trobar que han afegit unes quantes publicacions en samoà a la col·lecció de la Biblioteca, i que són a disposició dels xiquets. Aprendre a llegir en la llengua pròpia és part fonamental per una alfabetització amb èxit en altres llengües. El samoà i l’anglès són ambdues llengües oficials en aquest bonic país polinesi.

La mare de Clea va fer entrega a la Directora i la Bibliotecària dels llibres i adhesius donats per l’Escola Pública d’Amaroo de Canberra, així com una girafa de joguina. L'Escola Pública d’Amaroo havia arreplegat diners per aquests llibres durant la seua recent fira del llibre. Agraïm sempre el suport que ens dona la comunitat d'Amaroo i la seua Escola Pública. També els xiquets de Lalomanu estan agraïts per aquest suport, és clar.

Friday, June 28, 2013

To Samoa - A Samoa - Cap a Samoa

A small but valuable package of books, which were collected by Amaroo School during their recent fundraising book fair, will make their way to Samoa next week. Clea’s mother will leave for Apia on Saturday and will pay a short visit to the Clea Salavert Library. It is pleasing that Clea’s school remembers their classmate and continue to make a contribution to the legacy of the school library named after her. It demonstrates that our school community possesses a fantastic spirit and great understanding: it is something for Amaroo School to take pride in.

It will be a very brief visit to Samoa, just a few days. For Clea’s family, the flight to Samoa is always a difficult journey to make. It is not a holiday. The visit is projected to include a meeting with the new Principal of Lalomanu Primary School, Maria Iosefo (who was working at the school as a teacher before her promotion) and the Librarian, Late Gase. There is also some hope of meeting the new village chief, the local matai, and discuss possible new smaller projects that the Lalomanu Library Fund might assist in the near future.

However, the children of Lalomanu Primary will be enjoying their school holidays, so the library should be very quiet during the visit.

On her return, Clea’s mother will give us an update on the visit and what other news there might be for the Clea Salavert Library.

Un pequeño pero valioso conjunto de libros, recogidos por la Escuela Pública de Amaroo durante su reciente feria de libros, emprenderá viaje hacia Samoa la próxima semana. La madre de Clea saldrá hacia Apia el sábado y efectuará una corta visita a la Biblioteca Clea Salavert. Es agradable saber que la escuela de Clea recuerda a su compañera de estudios y sigue contribuyendo al legado de la biblioteca escolar que lleva su nombre. Es prueba fehaciente de que nuestra comunidad escolar posee un espíritu fantástico y hace gala de una gran comprensión: es algo de lo que puede enorgullecerse la Escuela Pública de Amaroo.

Será una corta visita a Samoa, apenas unos días. Para la familia de Clea, el vuelo a Samoa es siempre un viaje difícil. No es un viaje de vacaciones. Está planeado que la visita incluya una reunión con la nueva Directora de la Escuela Primaria de Lalomanu, Doña Maria Iosefo (quien ya trabajaba antes como maestra en la escuela antes de su ascenso) y la Bibliotecaria, Doña Late Gase. Esperamos también que haya posibilidad de conocer al nuevo matai local, jefe del pueblo, para hablar de posibles nuevos proyectos más modestos a los que el Lalomanu Library Fund pueda ayudar en el futuro inmediato.

Sin embargo, los niños de la escuela de Lalomanu estarán disfrutando de sus vacaciones escolares, de modo que la biblioteca estará muy tranquila durante la visita.

A su regreso, la madre de Clea nos dará más detalles sobre la visita y otras noticias que pueda haber en torno a la Biblioteca Clea Salavert.

Un xicotet però valuós conjunt de llibres, arreplegats per l'Escola Pública d'Amaroo durant la recent fira de llibres a l'escola, emprendrà viatge cap a Samoa la setmana vinent. La mare de Clea eixirà cap a Àpia el dissabte i efectuarà una curta visita a la Biblioteca Clea Salavert. És grat saber que l'escola de Clea recorda a la seua companya d'estudis i segueix contribuint al llegat de la biblioteca escolar que porta el seu nom. És prova fefaent que nostra comunitat escolar posseeix un esperit fantàstic i fa gala d'una gran comprensió: és una cosa de la què pot enorgullir-se l'Escola Pública d'Amaroo. 

Serà una curta visita a Samoa, que no arribarà a una setmana. Per a la família de Clea, el vol a Samoa és sempre un viatge difícil. No és un viatge de vacances. Està planejat que la visita incloga una reunió amb la nova Directora de l'Escola Primària de Lalomanu, Maria Iosefo (qui ja treballava abans com a mestra en l'escola abans del seu ascens) i la Bibliotecària, Late Gase. Esperem també que hi haja possibilitat de conèixer al nou matai local, regidor del poble, per a parlar de possibles nous projectes més modests als quals el Lalomanu Library Fund podria ajudar en el futur més proper.

No obstant això, els xiquets de l'escola de Lalomanu estaran gaudint de les seues vacances escolars, de manera que la biblioteca estarà molt tranquil·la durant la visita.

Al seu retorn, la mare de Clea podrà donar-nos més detalls sobre la visita i altres notícies que puga haver-hi entorn de la Biblioteca Clea Salavert.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More teacher resources for Lalomanu teachers-Más recursos educativos para las maestras de Lalomanu-Més recursos educatius per a les mestres de Lalomanu

More teacher resources for Lalomanu teachers

The Australian High Commissioner to Samoa, Dr Stephen Henningham, and his wife Catherine visited Lalomanu Primary School and the Clea Salavert Library last week. There they met with the new school Principal, Ms Maria Iosefo, and the Librarian, Ms Lata Gase, and were able to deliver a few boxes of teacher resources the teachers of Amaroo School in north Canberra gathered for their Samoan counterparts at the end of the past school year.

The visitors were pleased to see for themselves that the passage of cyclone Evan last December did not cause much damage to the Library, with only a few books drenched by water and a couple of glass louvre windows damaged by the strong winds and the torrential rains that caused so much damage, and even a few unfortunate deaths in other parts of Upolu.

Our thanks go to Stephen and Catherine for their invaluable help and the solid support they continue to offer the Clea Salavert Library, both institutionally and personally.

Más recursos educativos para las maestras de Lalomanu

El Alto Comisionado australiano en Samoa, Dr. Stephen Henningham, y su esposa Catherine visitaron la Escuela Primaria de Lalomanu y la Biblioteca Clea Salavert la semana pasada. Allí coincidieron con la nueva Directora, Maria Iosefo, y la Bibliotecaria, Lata Gase, y pudieron hacer entrega de unas cuantas cajas de recursos educativos que los profesores de la Escuela Pública de Amaroo en el norte de Canberra reunieron para sus compañeros samoanos al final del pasado año académico.

Los visitantes se alegraron al comprobar que el paso del ciclón Evan en diciembre de 2012 no causó daños de importancia a la Biblioteca, pues solamente algunos libros resultaron mojados, y algunos paneles de vidrio de las ventanas se rompieron a causa de los vientos huracanados y las lluvias torrenciales que causaron tantos daños, y por desgracia incluso algunas víctimas mortales, en  otras partes de la isla de Upolu.

Gracias a Stephen y a Catherine por su inestimable ayuda y por el robusto apoyo que continúan ofreciendo a la Biblioteca Clea Salavert, tanto en el ámbito institucional como en el personal.

Més recursos educatius per a les mestres de Lalomanu

L'ambaixador australià a Samoa, Dr. Stephen Henningham, i la seva muller Catherine van visitar l'Escola Primària de Lalomanu i la Biblioteca Clea Salavert la setmana proppassada. Allà van trobar-se amb la nova Directora, Maria Iosefo, i la Bibliotecaria, Lata Gase, i van poder repartir unes quantes caixes de recursos educatius per a mestres, arreplegats per els mestres de l'Escola Pública d'Amaroo per als seus companys samoans a la fi de l'any escolar passat.

Els visitants van comprovar complaguts que el passatge del cicló Evan l'últim desembre no va causar molts danys a la Biblioteca; només uns quants llibres van estar mullats per l'aigua, i un parell de panels de vidre de les finestres es van trencar a causa dels vents forts i les pluges torrencials que van causar tants danys, i fins i tot, per desgràcia, uns quants morts, en altres parts de l'illa d'Upolu.

Agraïm a Stephen i Catherine la seva ajuda inavaluable, i el sòlid suport que continuen oferint a la Biblioteca Clea Salavert, tant des d'un punt de vista institucional com a un nivell personal.