From left to right: Peter Slipper, Ian Macdonald, Deb O'Neill, Claire Moore and Kelvin Thomson |
The Clea Salavert Library received more official visitors from Australia last week. A parliamentary delegation comprising three MPs and two Senators (The Hon Kelvin Thomson, Senator Claire Moore, The Hon Peter Slipper, The Hon Deb O’Neill and Senator Ian Macdonald, with Nina Markovic, Secretary to the Delegation) travelled to Lalomanu during their visit to Samoa. It is encouraging and pleasing to continue to receive the support of the Australian Government. Our thanks to Dr Stephen Henningham and Ian Gerard of the Australian High Commission for his unconditional help (and the photos!) and to Jeannette Thomsen-Fuataga for organising the visit.
Los parlamentarios ayudan a los estudiantes de Lalomanu |
La Biblioteca Clea Salavert volvió a recibir en visita oficial a personalidades australianas la semana pasada. Una delegación parlamentaria que comprendía a tres diputados y dos senadores (The Hon Kelvin Thomson, Senator Claire Moore, The Hon Peter Slipper, The Hon Deb O’Neill and Senator Ian Macdonald, with Nina Markovic, Secretary to the Delegation) se desplazó hasta Lalomanu durante su visita a Samoa. El continuo apoyo del gobierno australiano supone una enorme muestra de aliento y de satisfacción. Gracias al Dr Stephen Henningham y a Ian Gerard de la Embajada australiana en Apia por su ayuda incondicional (¡y por las fotos!) y a Jeannette Thomsen-Fuataga por organizar la visita.
The Library was very busy. Standing room only for the visitors! |
La Biblioteca Clea Salavert va rebre una altra visita oficial d'Austràlia la setmana passada. Una delegació parlamentària que comprenia tres diputats i dos senadors (The Hon Kelvin Thomson, Senator Claire Moore, The Hon Peter Slipper, The Hon Deb O’Neill and Senator Ian Macdonald, with Nina Markovic, Secretary to the Delegation) van fer el viatge a Lalomanu durant la seua estada a Samoa. Ens dóna ànim i molta satisfacció el suport continuat del govern australià. Gràcies a Dr Stephen Henningham i Ian Gerard de l'Ambaixada australiana per la seua ajuda incondicional (i per les fotos!), i també a Jeannette Thomsen-Fuataga per organitzar la visita.
Disfrutando de la lectura |
Xiquetes de l'Escola Primària de Lalomanu
La premsa samoana aprofità l'avinentesa per entrevistar els parlamentaris australians |
What gorgeous pictures of so many children enjoying the library. xo Nat
ReplyDeleteThank you, Nat. Yes, it's a pleasing for us to see Clea's Library being used by the children it was built for, the children of Lalomanu Primary School. The Australian Government's support is being simply fantastic, awesome!