Thursday, March 10, 2011

A little poem on Clea’s Library – Un pequeño poema sobre la Biblioteca de Clea – Un senzill poema sobre la Biblioteca de Clea

Now the Clea Salavert Library proudly stands on the hillside of Lalomanu. Sometimes there seems to be very little left to do, but writing helps us pass the time. I hope you like this little poem.

La Biblioteca Clea Salavert se erige ya con orgullo en las faldas de la colina que preside Lalomanu. En ocasiones parece quedar bien poco que hacer, pero escribir nos ayuda a pasar el tiempo. Espero que te guste este poemilla.

La Biblioteca Clea Salavert s'erigeix ja amb orgull en les faldilles del muntijol que està per sobre Lalomanu. De vegades sembla que queda molt poc per fer, però escriure ens ajuda a a passar el temps. Espere que t’agrade aquest senzill poema.

Halfway up a stately green hill,

not far from these silky soft sands

where she had her very last swim,

a lovely library now stands.

With love and sorrow it was built,

and we all hope one day it will

bring joyful smiles, and better lives

to all the Lalomanu kids.

A schoolgirl with dark hazel eyes –

a very young tourist who’d dream

mermaids, dolphins, whales and lots more

than this great picture-perfect beach:

she relished the gentle sea breeze,

splashed about near the ocean shores,

marvelled at the slender palm trees,

curiously gazed at Samoan land.

The library will be lasting

tribute to her, who loved to read:

our terribly missed daughter,

the big sister who bossed our twins,

a good student, lively buddy;

a great life that shall not unfold

drowned by the murderous water.

(Canberra, March 2011)

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing the poem with us.
    Alison Clayton
